Book Recommendations for Parents

Hello Friends,

      Hands &  Voices is supporting you and your child on your journey, wherever that may take you.

This week on #TogetherThursday, lets discuss some literature selections, but this time for parents and caregivers.

While there are so many fantastic books for children, we also should take some time to look at how we can make sure that you feel connected to each other as parents.

  • One recommendation that is always made for me to share as a professional to parents is “The Silent Garden” (available in Spanish and English)
  • For perspectives on Deaf culture and ASL, SignOn has the following recommendations

Many different books about Deafness, Deafhood and Deaf culture

  • For parents who are looking more into an exploration of one parent on an Auditory/Oral/Cochlear Implant journey there is the following book

What book recommendations do you have for other parents on this journey?

Together, We Can,

Ms. Leslie