School Guides

Hello Friends!

Happy New Year! We hope that this new year for you and your family is filled with everything you hope for. To close out this month on school guides, we come across one that is shared straight from the Hands & Voices website: the PARC Checklist.

This is called the “Placement and Readiness Checklists for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing”
This guide has everything from how a child may be doing in a GenEd environment, to different language modalities and their estimated proficiency.

This checklist may support you as a parent and a team in figuring out what works best for your child.
What works for your child is what is best for them, and your child is unique in their own way, these guides are simply a way to highlight what everyone on your team sees in one place.

What’s your favorite guide that has helped you and your school team guide your child with their educational program?

Guide #3

We can, together,
Ms. Leslie
#HappyNewYear #TogetherThursday #DeafEd #Schools #SchoolYear #SchoolGuide #DeafStudents #DeafKidsRock